Wahls protokolü pdf

What can you eat on the Wahls diet?

On the Wahls Protocol, you eat lots of: Meat and fish. Vegetables, especially green, leafy ones….But you don't eat:

  • Dairy products and eggs.
  • Grains (including wheat, rice, and oatmeal)
  • Legumes (beans and lentils)
  • Nightshade vegetables, which include tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes, and peppers.
  • Sugar.


Can you have coffee on Wahls Protocol?

This means no nuts, seeds, nightshades, or coffee, on top of Dr Wahls' strictest protocol.

How do I start the Wahls Protocol?

Wahls to start correcting the biochemistry of your cells and get you starting on your journery to heal with food.

  1. Go gluten free. …
  2. Eat and live organic. …
  3. Eat a plate (or two!) of greens each day. …
  4. Eat a plate of sulfur-rich vegetables each day. …
  5. “Eat a rainbow” each day! …
  6. Eat grass-fed meat and wild fish.

What supplements does Terry Wahls take?

Supplements are tricky, Wahls admits. While she has an enormous supplement stash herself (and increases her intake of sulfur, vitamin C, and curcumin while traveling), she recognizes that supplements are usually not a one-size-fits-all matter.

What does Dr wahls eat for breakfast?

-9 cups of vegetables a day (yep!), including 3 cups of greens and leafy greens of any type, 3 cups of deeply colored fruits and vegetables (can have berries here too) and 3 cups of sulfur-rich veggies, like cabbages, onions, broccoli, mushrooms, and so on.

What do you eat for breakfast on the Wahls diet?

Level 1 – Wahls Diet She also asks that you source organic, grass-fed and wild-caught foods, as much as your budget allows. Breakfast: Cinnamon-raisin oatmeal, with fresh-blended juice (1 cup greens, 1 cup chopped beets and carrots, 1 cup berries, and just enough unsweetened fruit juice to blend.)

How do I contact Terry Wahls?

For any questions regarding a Wahls Protocol product or inquiry, please email us at [email protected].

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