Robert miles children

What happened to Robert Miles?

Death. Miles died of pancreatic cancer in Ibiza, Spain, on 9 May 2017 at the age of 47.

How old was Robert Miles when died?

47 years (1969–2017)Robert Miles / Age at death

Is DJ Robert Miles dead?

Deceased (1969–2017)Robert Miles / Living or Deceased

When did Robert Miles kids start?

1996Children / Released

What nationality was Robert Miles?

Italian Swiss Robert Miles/Nationality Miles was the only one Italian artist winner in BA history. "Children is an instrumental and dance anthem, one of the most ever loved tracks. With Robert Miles a part of my life dies with him." Miles was born Roberto Concina in Switzerland on 3 November 1969 to Italian parents.

What year did Robert Miles Children?

1996Children / Released "Children" is an instrumental composition by Italian composer Robert Miles. It was first released in Italy in January 1995 as part of the EP Soundtracks on Joe Vannelli's DBX label, but it did not chart.

How old is Robert Miles?

47 years (1969–2017)Robert Miles / Age at death

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