Bender gestalt pdf

What does Bender Gestalt test measure?

The Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test (abbreviated as Bender-Gestalt test) is a psychological test used by mental health practitioners that assesses visual-motor functioning, developmental disorders, and neurological impairments in children ages 3 and older and adults.

How do you read Bender Gestalt test?

The greater the number of errors, the greater the evidence for some type of brain impairment: strong evidence with 7 or 8 errors and very strong evidence with 9 to 12 errors. Five or more errors is serious, but not if the subject is lazy, impulsive, unmotivated, or uncooperative.

Is Bender Gestalt Test projective?

The test has also been employed for differential diagnosis between juvenile delinquents and young psychiatric patients, and it has been used as a test of intelligence for school children and as a projective instrument (Koppitz, 1964, p. 3).

What is Gestalt 2 Bender?

The Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test, Second Edition (Bender-Gestalt II) is a brief assessment and one of the most widely used psychological tests of motor and visual performance, now with expanded age range. An assessment of visual-motor integration functioning with expanded age range.

What is the purpose of Bender?

The Bender Visual Motor Gestalt test (or Bender-Gestalt test) is a psychological assessment used to evaluate visual-motor functioning, visual-perceptual skills, neurological impairment, and emotional disturbances in children and adults ages three and older.

What is the age range of Bender-Gestalt test?

The Bender-Gestalt II measures visual-motor integration skills in children and adults from 4 to 85+ years of age.

How many phases are used in Bender-Gestalt test?

As indicated earlier Pascal and Suttell consider Bender Gestalt perform ance to consist of three phases : (1) sensory perception, (2) interpretation, and (3) motor reproduction.

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