Alveolar elastic recoil

Elastic recoil refers to the lung's intrinsic tendency to deflate following inflation. A dense labyrinth of elastic fibers and other matrix elements within the lung parenchyma, along with surface tension at the alveolar air-liquid interface, confers this important mechanical property.

When there is decreased elastic recoil the walls of the alveoli?

The lung volume decreases, leading to smaller alveoli with less alveolar elastic recoil. As elastic recoil decreases, the effective driving pressure for air flow decreases and the traction on the small airways decreases (Levitzky Fig. 2-20)..

What is elastic recoil muscle?

Elastic recoil occurs when you convert energy temporarily stored in tendons and fascia into a free push. … The stiffer your tendons, the more energy it takes to stretch them. This energy is momentarily stored in your tendons, then released when your muscles contract.

Why is elastic recoil important in lungs?

The recoil of the elastic fibers in the lungs reduces the pressure in the pleural cavity. Consequently, intrapleural pressure is about 4 mmHg less than atmospheric pressure. A person can exhale more air than normal by contracting the expiratory (posterior internal) intercostal muscles.

What happens when lungs recoil?

The process of exhalation occurs due to an elastic recoil of the lung tissue which causes a decrease in volume, resulting in increased pressure in comparison to the atmosphere; thus, air rushes out of the airway. There is no contraction of muscles during exhalation; it is considered a passive process.

Does fibrosis increase elastic recoil?

In contrast to emphysema, the development of pulmonary fibrosis results in increased elastic recoil forces of the lung (thus increased elastance) and therefore reduced lung compliance (reduced distensibility of the lung) [19,31].

What is the relationship between elastic recoil and lung compliance?

Compliance and Elastic Recoil of the Lung Compliance depends on the elasticity and surface tension of the lungs. Compliance is inversely related to the elastic recoil of the lungs, so thickening of lung tissue will decrease lung compliance.

Where is elastic recoil found?

lung parenchyma Elastic recoil refers to the lung's intrinsic tendency to deflate following inflation. A dense labyrinth of elastic fibers and other matrix elements within the lung parenchyma, along with surface tension at the alveolar air-liquid interface, confers this important mechanical property.

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