Alternaria alternata allergy

alternata, has been unequivocally associated with increased asthma severity. Among allergenic proteins described in this fungal specie, the major allergen, Alt a 1, has been reported as the main elicitor of airborne allergies in patients affected by a mold allergy and considered a marker of primary sensitization to A.

Where is Alternaria alternata mold found?

Alternaria alternata is a ubiquitous saprophyte that is found in the soil and on plants, especially on decaying vegetation.

How do you prevent Alternaria alternata allergy?

Avoid barns, silos, hay, straw, and peat moss. Use a certified asthma and allergy friendly filter attachment on your heating and air conditioning unit, and change filters regularly. Employ dehumidifiers to lower indoor humidity levels to less than 45 percent to create an environment where mold is less likely to thrive.

What kind of mold is Alternaria alternata?

Alternaria alternata (A. alternata) is a predominantly outdoor mold, but it can also be found indoors. A member of the Pleosporaceae family, the genus Alternaria comprises more than 270 species of dematiaceous (black) hyphomycetes.

What disease does Alternaria alternata cause?

It is an opportunistic pathogen on numerous hosts causing leaf spots, rots and blights on many plant parts. It can also cause upper respiratory tract infections and asthma in humans with compromised immunity….

Alternaria alternata

What are the symptoms of Alternaria?

The most common symptom of Alternaria diseases is yellow, dark brown to black circular leaf spots with target like, concentric rings. Lesion centers may fall out, giving the leaf spots a shot-hole appearance. Individual spots coalesce into large necrotic areas and leaf drop can occur.

Is Alternaria toxic mold?

Alternaria is an allergenic mold with a velvety texture. You might see it in the bathroom or near a sink as it is typically a sign of water damage. Aspergillus is another allergenic mold that can be toxic for people with weak immune systems. There are over a hundred species in various colors.

How is Alternaria Alternata treated?

The optimal treatment should consist of broad surgical debridement of involved tissues with prolonged systemic antifungal medication. Alternaria is sensitive to amphotericin B and miconazole [7].

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